welcome to my world, darling

blog click pics check them out

what are my aims in my adventures?

  1. a purpose
  2. an embrace
  3. a thrilling discussion

nothing more, nothing less

so please, do come join me

this is definitely an overdramatized version of myself that I long for sometimes but ALAS it is not who I am now and so I shall let it die. I hate sam timinsky x

HI shenangians aside i'm really just here trying to learn and make something for myself < 3 just taking steps forward each day starting right now

wow ok it's october 3rd 2022 and I've gone back to writing poetry (and by writing i mean writing down arbitrarily not CURATING ugh that's what I ache for ) and it almost feels like last year BUT i've realized that in all my mimicry i'm not actually creating a space for myself and i continually turn to other's careful curations BUT I WANT TO MAKE MY OWN I want to have the experience and the dialogue and analysis I want all of that and I want it to stem from me my thoughts my ideas my choices just me I want to be a producer in that way to make my own little lists and discoveries and first loves and faves and spread that but not have gotten it from an identical website. it should be me and mine and while I don't know how to do that and I don't want to cultivate it artificially I may have to for now. I want something that is just me that's all me and not someone filtered down to me in the way things are now but authentically truly, sasha jules.

i'll try.